Clear gloss and Clear matt monomeric laminating films 70 µm, designed to protect JT 8500 Series printed media, for short-term promotional graphics on flat surfaces.
Mactac clear gloss monomeric laminating film 70 µm, designed to protect JT 8500 Series printed media, for short -term promotional graphics on flat surfaces.
Mactac clear matt monomeric laminating film 70 µm, designed to protect JT 8500 Series printed media, for short -term promotional graphics on flat surfaces.
Mactac clear gloss monomeric laminating film 70 µm, designed to protect JT 8500 Series printed media, for short -term promotional graphics on flat surfaces.
Mactac clear matt monomeric laminating film 70 µm, designed to protect JT 8500 Series printed media, for short -term promotional graphics on flat surfaces.
Clear matt premium monomeric laminating film 80 µm, designed to protect JT 8700 Series printed media, for short to medium-term applications on flat surfaces.
Clear gloss premium monomeric laminating film 80 µm, designed to protect JT 8700 Series printed media, for short to medium-term applications on flat surfaces.